Sunday, June 2, 2019

On the Road to Arkansas

I'm sorry I don't have the time to narrate.  I'm using sketchy wifi in a laundromat between loads.

I managed to avoid this ant hill all week. I finally stepped in it right before I left. Fire ants are not to be messed with.

Beautiful bridge over the Mussippi

Beautiful roads, and flat. I was getting crazy hot in the truck without air conditioning.   I noticed the shadows of the clouds were keeping pace with the truck, and I wasn't pushing any boost on the diesel. I put my hand out the window, and there was almost no breeze. I'll bet my fuel mileage was fantastic with that tail wind.

I don't remember the name of this lake, but I thought it was the Mississippi. It followed the road for a few miles. I couldn't place the smell for a while, but finally realized it smelled like the ocean.

With all the snow melt up north, all the rivers are up around here.

Arkansas has some of the best welcome centers around.

These tires are amazing at collecting rocks. The ticking starts driving me crazy after a while.

Four hours of hot and dry. I must've drank a half gallon of water on the drive. The skies opened up twenty miles from my destination. It got crazy dark, like moonlight at 4:30 in the afternoon. I got the trucks parked and stood in the rain.

It was the deepest rolling thunder I've ever experienced. It kept crossing back and forth across the sky for minutes at a time. It was visceral. You could feel it in your chest.  I stood in the middle of the road, laughing like a madman.

I saw a line of ants making a highway up my makeshift power cord.  I decided the time was right to replace it with a more critter-proof option.